Archive by Author

Fall Fishing

No time to keep up with postings when the fishing is this good. I’ve been having wonderful days on various rivers and urge you to come to our waters as soon as possible. Read More… Continue Reading →

Hey buddy you wanna see a big ass brown trout

Chuck Volckhausen (my right hand man on all my group trips) got a first time fly fisherman into a dream fish. We have been nailing browns in the 18″ to 22″ range but this 31″ Hen named Harvey takes the prize.
WOW THAT IS A BIG ASS BROWN TROUT!!! The McCloud River and a Hen named Harvey.

One of my best trips we caught 50-60 fish a day for two fisherman and saw some monsters. Fantastic Fun Guys! See you this Steelhead Season!!!

8.12.10 McCloud gives first timers a thrill.

For many beginners the McCloud river is simply too challenging. But I believe it is a great place to learn to fly fish. WHY? Because it has it all. On the McCloud you will learn almost every aspect of trout fishing. This famed waterway is filled with variety, pools riffles runs and pocket water that will offer all day excitement and challenge. Continue Reading →