Guide life in Mt. Shasta summer 2016
Categories: Fishing Report
Its been a great summer and the crew at Wild Waters Fly Fishing has been helping people catch fish all over our local waters. I couldn’t be more proud of the guys right now. Great guide trips coming from all around. Although the fishing has slowed on the McCloud and Upper Sac they still continue to produce everyday. The help of a good guide might teach some of the tricks to mid summer success. The Lower Sac continues to produce trout everyday as usual and some big ones are being hooked pretty regularly right now. But its not all about work all the time. We’ve been getting out and having some fun too.

doug The McCloud river rainbow! Although fishing has slowed just a bit in the last week I am still having better than a successful time. Hard work pays off and everyday offers a window of great opportunity. Summer tactics are in effect and a mid day swim seams to fit itself into the program on a regular basis.

A nice brown comes to hand and were all pretty excited. I can’t wait for this trip every year. See you boys for some steelhead fishing I hope!!!

Working with John today. Signing in at The Nature Conservancy’s McCloud River Preserve. Likely I’m gonna learn something. Bummer he wasn’t guiding me.

A dandy McCloud brown for Cathy. Great Morning. Head out for a one on one lesson, learn a little bit, have a some fun on the water and rewarded you will be.

Tom holds a beauty! Right after a quick stop to appreciate the flowers. Surprise big fish small water!

The upper sac is still holding strong. The fishing on the lower part of the this river hasn’t been great. Its been rewarding for a one and done kind of trout and some bass are being caught but I’m noticing the heat of summer down here and water temps are warming. The stocked fish in Dunsmuir are plentiful and make for a great 1/2 day of lessons and learning. You can always try for one of the big boys planted in town.

Now its time to tell you about all the fun I’ve been having. I love summer fishing! Wet wading, dry flies, streamers, small creeks, the big river, (you all know what I mean) summer steelhead!! (on a dry fly) The lake, small mouth bass, long days, swimming, getting up early, and sleeping in late. YOU CAN’T BEAT the summers in the state of jefferson.

I love throwing this fly for bass! What a evening lake siskiyou can provide. This happened to be a birthday fish for me. While I was working. Gotta say I was pretty blessed with my work situation on my birthday. Pizza, cocktails, bass fishing and good company. Thanks to all!!

Always gotta have fun out on the water. Had to keep from casting for bit while some dragonflies fornicated on my fly rod.

The view from the deck at the Mt. Shasta Retreat house. Great group for a couple days!! Photo by Bucko Theriot

While I was in Tahoe for the wedding I stayed with Jason Cockrum and he took me and Joshua fishing. We had a blast!

When I got back from Tahoe Jay took me fishing on the Pit and Fall rivers. Checked Fall river Hex hatch off the bucket list. I stayed out at the Clearwater Lodge where Michelle put me up and fed me dinner. That was a bitchen time. Cheers to new friends, that crew is great!

While I was on my visit to Clearwater Lodge, Drew Braugh and California Trout were building bridges on Hat Creek. We had to go and see the scene. Cheers to making Hat Creek great again!!

Then there’s Summer steelhead. My buddy Jason landed this beauty. Although in five opportunities I didn’t get to hold one of my own, this may have been my favorite season on this river yet. Jason’s first steelhead on a dry, Marto’s first in two years, drinking Stranahan’s with Rich until we couldn’t get up in the morning, feeding the Koi at the Dogwood, Partying with Andy and Courtney and Wiley and my little SA at the campground for Wiley and my birthdays, viewing the steelhead in there safe zone, and most of all, the 5 dollar hole.

My little SA!! He’s my newest youngest fishing buddy. We haven’t actually casted yet but we shared a beer on the river and that counts.

The world famous Caitlin and some dude she brought to the wedding, who I had the pleasure of sitting next to.

Rick got married too! Amongst the crowd were some great names in fly fishing. I was honored to be there.
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