Bill came from North Carolina for some California fishing and found some steel. The steelhead are in and the bite is on. Continue Reading →
Archive by Author
McCloud River October Caddis Hatch
Categories: Fishing Report
What a great time to go and throw big stimulators! Some nice fish are rolling on the dries! Continue Reading →
Klamath River Fishing Report 11.17.11
Categories: Fishing Report
The Klamath River is fishing very well with boats landing a mix of steelhead and salmon on nymphs and eggs patterns. Swingers and spey rods are hitting them on a dirty bird and Egg Sucking Leaches. Its time to fish the Klamath. Continue Reading →
10.13.11 Klamath River King Bite
Categories: Fishing Report
Allison is a scientist studying water quality on the Klamath River for her PHD. It was a blast showing her the fish that depend up it’s quality. The fishing was damn good! Continue Reading →
Trinity River product testing.
Categories: Fishing Report
Gabe Durand, Hutch from Orvis, Zack from Sawyers Oars, Cris King and I testing the new Stream Tech Rafts. I think Wild Waters needs one of these boats.
Klamath River King Bite
Categories: Fishing Report
One of the best King bites we have witnessed. Both the Salmon and the Steelhead loved the fly today as we were into them all day. Patsy and David with a double. Happy 25th! Continue Reading →
10.9.11 McCloud Mouse
Categories: Fishing Report
You are allowed to fish one hour after sunset on the McCloud River. Its a dark walk out but smiles light the path. Anne Dickey does the impossible and lands a Monster Brown on a Mouse! The coolest thing I have ever witnessed or have been a part of with a fly rod. Continue Reading →
Klamath River Fishing Report 10.5.11
Categories: Fishing Report
The wind blew, the rain poured, snow capped the hills and then blue skies! Despite the weather Paul smiled ear to ear, one fish after another. Continue Reading →
McCloud River Fishing Report
Categories: Fishing Report
Both the reservoir and the river continue to fish excellent. A storm blew in and made things difficult with wind and rain but the fish seemed to like it. Almost exclusively dry fly fishing! Continue Reading →
9.26.11 Rising River
Categories: Fishing Report
What a treat to guide at such a special place. Legends fished here. Continue Reading →
September 25th Klamath recon
Categories: Fishing Report
Get ready because they have arrived!!!! Continue Reading →
9.15&16.11 McCloud Dry Fly Fishing
Categories: Fishing Report
Numbers, numbers, numbers but no big ones. The big ones fed all night during the bright full moon thus the smaller fish took over the feeding lanes today. That’s my guess at least. Still we caught a bunch of fish on dries. Continue Reading →
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