Upper Sacramento River
The Upper Sac is in perfect shape now. July is here but fortunately the days are very mild, we have experienced no serious heat waves yet and the water remains cold due to the continuing runoff. We are seeing the Golden Stones just about ready to leave the party but on the other hand some dynamite late evening dry fly fishing is still available. Although the word is out that the river is in excellent shape and you fly fishers are here in numbers the beauty of the river is that there is 30 miles of access. Most fish during the day are taking a variety of nymphs including soft hackles, Red Copper Johns, Dark Lords and my favorite the LBS (little black shit). Best luck has been getting the bugs down near the bottom, the fish are hugging it due to the very clear visibility.
Give us a shout if you want to experience some fun time on the Upper Sac this summer.

The McCloud River
The magical McCloud River has been giving up some excellent days for us. Again evenings here are the main theme for catching fish. If you are willing to stay late you will be rewarded with some spectacular dry fly fishing. Big bushy bugs about size 8 with a dropped nymph or a small Adams trailed behind it will get you in the game. The river has clouded up some due to Mud Creek so the spookability factor is diminished. Small bugs in size 14 and smaller are getting the job done for us but don’t be shy about throwing on that big rubber leg occasionally.
The McCloud in the summer offers no crowds and nice cold water, a good recipe for giving us a shout and booking one of our outstanding McCloud guides.

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