Tag Archives: Klamath River Steelhead

6.21.11 Summer Solstice on the Klamath

Summer Solstice on the Klamath River throwing the big bug aka Salmonflies until dark. One hour before dark, around 8 pm, there were millions of them everywhere. Super Cool. Happy Birthday Lindsay!!

Klamath River Still High 05/25/11

With the river at almost twice its normal May size (3260 cf/s) and rain on the forecast, things don’t look good for Spring fishing.  Some sunshine would really help turn things around.  Keep your eyes on these postings.  When the Salmon flies do show up, we’ll be the first to know.

1.15.11 Tough conditions on Klamath.

Never give up. Always keep trying, some days its easy some days its hard, but its always rewarding. The north state is muddy everywhere I look. I’m not sure when things will clear up but when they do, I will let you all know. For those of you who NEED to fish; I can still get you into a few nice ones like this caught in off color waters.

12.8.10 Klamath

As most of the Northern California rivers rage with high off color flows the Klamath below Iron Gate stays fishable. There are some big fish to be caught. If your wishing you were fishing come on up.