Tag Archives: drift boat lower sac

May 10th, 2018. Northern California and Southern Oregon Fishing Report.


Lower Sacramento River

Spring on the Lower Sacramento River is about as good as trout fishing can get. The river has had a plethora of bug activity with most emphasis on Hydropsyche Caddis and PMD Mayflies. At about 8K the river is in perfect drift boating shape. Classic side drifting methods with Jaydecators are your best bet but it would be silly not to have a dry fly rig set up in the boat. If you are one who loves drift boat fishing, we recommend you get out soon. This fishing will slow down to merely being great come the heat of the summer.




Upper Sacramento River

The Upper Sac has been consistently good the last few weeks. It is a safe bet that no matter how you like to fish, you will find some success along this 38 mile river. The upper sections Spring is still emerging and the hatches and best fishing are in the afternoon. Focussing on mayflies and smaller stones will provide good fishing on the upper half. The lower you go the more it becomes about Caddis and Golden Stones. These days are epic and if you are new to the sport, this is a great time and place to get hooked.












McCloud River

Most of our guide days have been on this magical river. It has seen a mix of weather and is in fantastic shape. The best and most fun fishing has been with the dry fly, however we have seen success on every technique. Major players are the PMD’s Yellow Sallies and Golden Stones. The fish have been healthy and consistently in the 10-14 inch range. That said the river has already shown off some big ones. A pack of very large browns attacked our poor fleeing rainbow trout pattern making a scene at our feet worthy of any film festival. If we had footage most audio would of had to been bleeped out. The crowds have been very inconsistent and many of our days include solitude in one of California’s finest trout streams. We specialize in this river and its short game tactics. Let us teach you how to turn those fish on.




Klamath River / Below Iron Gate.

The Iron Gate float is providing some good fishing under the Jaydecator. Fish are being caught all day, the best is between 9 and 12 and again from 4 to dark. There are a few places to enjoy a walk n’ wade but, by far your best success will come from a drift boat. Big rubber legs and birds nest have been the ticket. We are days away from the Salmonfly and Golden Stonefly hatch. For the rest of May and most of June we will be casting big dry-flies out of the drift boats. If you haven’t done this yet, get on our calendar. Fishing the big bug has a funny way of making you feel like a kid again.




Rogue River

Like the Klamath the Rogue is also all about the big bug. Far more popular of a Salmonfly hatch is the “Holy Water” on the Rogue. Ample walk n wade spots are available but many anglers take a seasonal pilgrimage to these waters and its likely you’ll see fellow fisherman in your favorite spots. The drift boat can offer a great way to float the upper sections near Shady Cove, with some room to work and who doesn’t like casting dry flies out of the boat. Mid day is best under the bobber (Jaydecator) , and you might just hook into a steelhead.








Early in the mornings and at the last hours of the day you can find some sensational Bass and Panfish fishing in our area’s lakes and ponds. Poppers, Mice, Crawfish and Minnow patterns have been great. Nothing like catching a big bluegill brings me back to my angling beginnings. However nostalgic, these fish and the pursuit of them would excite any permit/bonefish/tarpon fisherman. Stalking your prey in clear water, perfect cast between trees to tight to the reeds, seeing the eat and a surprising fight will make any angler smile. Best yet….  no strip set necessary! You can hit em like you have a Lower Sac indicator rig on, or like Bill Dance.

April 19th, 2018 Fishing Report





Photos by Carl Mogerley

The Lower Sacramento River

We have been experiencing some dramatic shifts in the weather from warm and sunny to cold, wet and windy. It makes for a challenge but also keeps the fish from becoming stale. They have been switching their diets around depending upon the weather from Beatis, PMD’s, Caddis, Stones, and the Sucker Spawn egg. If one is not working try one of the other. We’ve seen the best bite mid day. Dry Fly Fisherman are able to rise a few fish a day mostly during a PMD hatch. However, the majority of the fish are being caught side drifting with deep nymphs and Jaydecators. 

The 10 day forecast looks like the warm weather we’ve been waiting for. We have talented guides available to take you and your fishing buddy on a “must do” float trip down this amazing river. Give us a call. 877-934-7466.






photos by Rick Cox

The Upper Sacramento River

The Upper Sac has seen some radical changes this last few weeks. From snow to rain, to hot days with snowmelt. We’ve seen this river fluctuate in flows and turbidity. However, I am pleased to say this blue water trout stream is now in fantastic spring shape and fishing well. We have seen some quality fish up and down this 40 mile system. Fish from 10” to 16’’ and bigger are being caught on the dry as well as the nymph. It is certainly not a numbers game but a quality spring day can make any angler smile. If you like fishing the big bug, we have seen those prehistoric Salmonflies flying over the river. There are always a couple pig rainbows looking for that big bug, be the angler that shows em a sample. Despite that big meal available, most of the fish are being caught on mayflies. A favorite technique is swinging soft-hackles through the tail-outs. You’ll see us doing plenty of walk n wade trips as well as floating the lower section is one of our rafts give us a wave, or a call.



The McCloud River

She slept well this winter with very few high flows and no devastating flushes. As I walk her banks now I can see spring emerging, the dogwoods are blooming, redbud is popping and the green of fresh growth is hard to ignore. Opening day is Sat the 26th. Not one of these trout have seen a fly for five months. The McCloud is our specialty and we have guides available. Lets get you out.


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The Coast

Wether you just can’t give up swinging the spey rod, chasing steelhead or just love fishing on the coast, the Smith River is your bet. The river closes at the end of the month and is dropping into perfect shape for her last days of the season. Flows will be around 3000 this weekend. Still… chrome bright fish enter from the sea and charge upstream to spawn. Some anglers swear the biggest of the year come at this time. We have guides who love this place and one who lives on her banks.

April 20th 2017 Fishing Report.

Our local waters are still under the influence of a wet wet wet winter and early spring. Our definition of fishability has changed a bit. We can’t wait any longer, its time to go fishing. Our best bets in and around Mount Shasta are the Lower Sacramento, McCloud Reservoir, and Lake Siskiyou.


With the most celebrated holiday of the year “Opening Weekend” of the McCloud River just over a week away, its time to get ready for that annual pilgrimage.

The Lower Sacramento in Redding is  running at 30,000 cfs, with some greenish brown water. It looks pretty rough out there… but its Spring and Springtime on the Lower Sac is as good as it gets. Regardless of the flows and color change, its fishing as good as can be expected. Chuck has been out there most days this week and reports plenty of fish being caught.








The McCloud Reservoir is seldom showcased on our fishing reports but is always a surprising underdog. This place is a virtual fish factory and a wonderful place to not only catch a bunch of fish, take kids fishing, but even a great place to harvest a couple trout for dinner. We had some grand fun with these kids and were able to bring our bounty to The Wild Waters Lounge in Mt Shasta and have Damion cook them up for us. We taught these kids the virtues of Catch and Release on full bellies while picking our teeth with the bones.





Lake Siskiyou in Mt Shasta is a ridiculously serene lake to spend the day fishing. Many fly anglers fish the Upper Sac that flows out of Lake Siskiyou but few have targeted Lake Siskiyou as a destination. This place does have a dedicated local following, and they all hate the fact that I’m writing about it. Casting streamers and swimming nymphs to the outcroppings and stump fields with an intermediate clear line and long leader will certainly be rewarded. For me there is no better place to cast a 5 weight again after a winter with the big sticks. Tuning up for the trout season.



On April 29th the McCloud opens to us trout fishermen. An annual pilgrimage that rivals any spiritual journey. However this year we have a few issues to deal with. Winter storms commonly blew out the McCloud and the high water changed the river substantially. The banks have been ripped of their vegetation and replaced with down trees, gravel beds too displaced, even huge boulders seem to have turned in the heavy flows. This may sound devastating but its not an unusual event, you can never dip your toe into the same river twice. Nature also has played a card in limiting access. Currently and most likely till mid May the road to Ah Di Na and the Conservancy is closed. Not far from the turn off the gravel road washed away and is in need of serious repair. From what I know, the Forest Service and private timber land owners are debating on who’s responsibility it is.


It seems the river will be left to the dedicated anglers willing to hike in from Ash Camp. Before you get your waders all wadded up in a bunch, know that there is a group of lady power hikers who are known to often hike from the dam to the rope on the conservancy… and back. From the PCT bridge to Ah Di Na is only an hour hike. Many anglers take pride in their vehicles that can drive them down the Nature Conservancy’s bumpy road in comfort, both the AC and AC/DC cranking, but this spring we hike.


We also expect some pretty high flows this spring and early summer. Quick safety talk…. she’s way stronger then you, be careful! Knowing where to fish and how to fish at high flows takes years of experience and many days of trial and error. We’ve seen these flows many times in the past. My humble opinion is that the river is fishable at anything below 2000k which allows about 10% of accessibility.

At 1200 cfs about 25% of our spots are fishable.

800 cfs = 50%

600 = 75%

400 cfs = 90%

and at 250 cfs 100% of our spots are fishable. As far as flies to use…Go big when its big.




Guide life in Mt. Shasta summer 2016

Its been a great summer and the crew at Wild Waters Fly Fishing has been helping people catch fish all over our local waters.  I couldn’t be more proud of the guys right now.  Great guide trips coming from all around.  Although the fishing has slowed on the McCloud and Upper Sac they still continue to produce everyday.  The help of a good guide might teach some of the tricks to mid summer success.  The Lower Sac continues to produce trout everyday as usual and some big ones are being hooked pretty regularly right now.  But its not all about work all the time.  We’ve been getting out and having some fun too.

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McCloud and Upper Sac Rivers Fishing Report June 9th 2016

The McCloud River and Upper Sacramento are both fishing very well. Expect slow times of the day as well as moments of brilliance as the trout are looking up and eating dries. PMDs Drakes and Golden Stones are all on the menu.


McCloud River double


Lindsay with a nice McCloud Loch Leven Brown.



Its in the net. McCloud River.


The McCloud


If you spot them.


You got them. McCloud River Loch Leven Brown.


The Filson vest with over 1500 days on it. Starting to look a bit worn.


First fish on a fly for Joal on the Upper Sacramento. Photo by Wild Waters Guide Carl Mogerley aka Carlos aka Klamath Carl.


Wet wading season on the Upper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley aka Carlos aka Klamath Carl.


The McCloud River’s glacial waters. Photo by Carl Mogerley aka Carlos aka Klamath Carl.


Upper Sacramento two hander. Photo by Carl Mogerley


Swinging soft hackles on the Upper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley.


Mark on the Upper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley.


The tracks of theUpper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley


Upper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley.


Upper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley


Upper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley


Fish On! Upper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley aka Carlos aka Klamath Carl.


Upper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley aka Carlos aka Klamath Carl.


Upper Sacramento. Photo by Carl Mogerley.


The beach on the McCloud River.


McCloud River


McCloud River


The McCloud River


The McCloud River


The McCloud River


Carl at work on the McCloud River

McCloud River. Photo by Chuck V

McCloud River. Photo by Chuck V

McCloud River. Photo by Chuck V

McCloud River. Photo by Chuck V

McCloud River. Photo by Chuck V

McCloud River. Photo by Chuck V

One of the greatest fisherman.

One of the greatest fisherman.

McCloud River. Photo by Chuck V

McCloud River. Photo by Chuck V

April Fishing Report

April has come and gone and we have not yet given out a fishing report. So here is the recap. The Lower Sacramento River continued to dominate, the spring of 2016 will long be remembered as one of the best. Our guides have been busy and putting in many floats from Redding to Red Bluff and everyone from beginners to experts have had the epic. We watched the flows settle out and the pmds went nuts.

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Besides the fantastic Lower Sac we have been out and about on all sorts of adventures.

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March Fishing Report 2016 Mt. Shasta Headwaters

We started off March with heavy rains.  Norther California and Souther Oregon rivers swelled with much needed water.  Some rivers didn’t become fishable for the entire month.  Among the rivers that did settle was the Sacramento.  The upper sac is still pushing with good amounts of water but plenty of fishing exists from the bank and fish are available within striking distance.  The lower sac has dropped well into shape and flows from Shasta lake are back to low.  The fishing has been in the “red hot” category for now and we expect great fishing to continue for the next couple months.

Dog crk confluenceThe confluence of Dog Creek and the Upper Sacramento river.  Ripping at over 100 times its summer flow.

Dog crkEvery little ditch in the State of Jefferson flushed out anything in its way.

shasta lakeShasta Lake filling up
OPWhen a bunch of steelhead guides get out to go fishing, we spend a good amount of time chilling on the side of the river laughing at each other.  All part of a great day on the water!
Anthony Jet boat Anthony and I took out the jet boat!  Talk about a fun toy.  We drove around on the big river and up some of the small creeks.  They weren’t so small at the time though.BertThe Sac is back and the fat rainbows that live here are on the feed.

Bert2 Some of the hardest fighting trout around.

bignetstaywet Double, double.  Big net stay wet.

BrianJust a couple more.

brian2 Rainbow trout, healthy rainbow trout

chuck DavidThats a male

david Thats a female

double1 Thats two females

Hedge CRK Hedge creek falls

Jim The Chuck and Jim team

Jim2Strikes again


Right below Iron Gate at 10K.

Right below Iron Gate at 10K.

High water pushed passed the banks.

High water pushed passed the banks.

Flows on the Klamath reaching flood stage.

Flows on the Klamath reaching flood stage.

Klamath Carl on the Lower Sac.

Klamath Carl on the Lower Sac.

Perry Sims found some goof ones when the Lower Sac was at 17000 cfs.

Perry Sims found some good ones when the Lower Sac was at 17000 cfs.

The Upper Sac can fish great at high flows.

The Upper Sac can fish great at high flows.

Fly Fishing the Lower Sacramento. Under the famed Sundial Bridge.

Fly Fishing the Lower Sacramento. Under the famed Sundial Bridge.

People on the Sun Dial Bridge cheered.

People on the Sun Dial Bridge cheered.

This is an average size.

This is an average size.

Fear No Fish but watch out for that bug.

Fear No Fish but watch out for that bug.

It is so beautiful here in the spring.

It is so beautiful here in the spring.

September 3rd, 2015. Fishing Report.

There are signs of Fall on the horizon.  Colored leaves and cool nights, have things changing up here in the State of Jefferson. The McCloud River remains very colored up with about 28 inches of visibility, however the fish have been eating and looking healthy. We’ve had some epic battles with brutes and some wonderful fish to hand. Though there is very little dry fly action right now, some of our bigger rainbows were still taken off the surface. The Upper Sac has really benefited from the cool nights and some great fishing is being reported. The Lower Sacramento is to remain your best bet for big fish but if you put your ear in the Klamath River you can hear them coming.  A wad of salmon, steelhead and half pounders are pouring their way up the lower river and heading our way.  We are keeping a close eye on their progress.  It is an annual event and that time is here. They are coming.








To the rope at the Nature Conservancy.


Where the big one got away.










chuck and barr

So good to see you Barr!  We don’t get to do this enough anymore

Its that time of year again.  An awesome sunrise every morning!  Guides day off and were going fishing!Bobber and bead downWe put the bobber rod down to swing a run.

big fishWhat a treat!  These early fish are always a gamble.

little guySO PRETTY!

Fishing report May 20th 2015

Wild Waters has been all over the place this May. The fishing has been good and we’ve been experiencing some great dry fly fishing on the Upper Sac and McCloud Rivers. Green Drakes have shown on the rainy days. And those magical hatches and feeding frenzies have blessed a few of our anglers. The Lower Sac still is providing some of the best fishing around. Anthony Carruesco, Chuck and John have been spending a good amount of time fishing from 44 bridge all the way to Balls Ferry. Meanwhile all the way up on the Sandy River was this years annual Spey Clave. A great event with a lot of knowledge shared amounts some of the biggest names in the industry. Don’t miss it next year. Continue Reading →

May 7th, 2015 Northern California Fishing Report


We are continuing to fish on the McCloud river, Upper Sac and Lower Sac.  In general the fishing has been fair to good.  We are seeing fish eat dry flies on the upper rivers and we only expect the hatches to grow each day.  The Lower Sac continues to be a strong hold of good fishing.  With all the trout streams open in California we have also been spending time on some lesser know waters.  The best trout fishing of the year is just around the corner.  Be ready!

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Northern California – Southern Oregon Fishing Report April 9, 2015

The steelhead fishing is nearing its end right now but a few fish are around in the Upper Rogue and Upper Klamath. Anthony Carruesco one of Wild Waters guides reports …  Lower Sac has continued to kick out some great fishing over the past week. Still, we have yet to see the bigger hatches that the spring usually gives up. There are some spring Caddis still around, PMDs, March Browns and a few Salmonflies, but not in great numbers yet. Probably a symptom of the low water and more silt covering the gravel than usual.. Despite the lack of big bugs hatching the fish are still very healthy and eating well … The river is starting to light up!

The Upper Sac continues to give up some nice fish as reported by Rick Cox. It is all about nymphing and getting your flies down this time of year. Both rivers will only continue to improve as Spring warms up.


Eric’s Nice Upper Sac Bow


Fish On Upper Sac !!


Upper Sac Daze


USac Kiss


Lower Sac courtesy of Anthony Carruesco

Anthony April

Lower Sac Courtesy of Anthony Carruesco

Anthony April 2

Lower Sac Courtesy of Anthony Carruesco

Anthony April 3

Lower Sac Courtesy of Anthony Carruesco



Northern California and Southern Oregon Fishing Report, April 2nd 2015.

Just wrapping up what has been an epic steelhead season on the Klamath, Rogue, Trinity and coastal rivers.  There is certainly still some fishing to be had for these special brutes.  Up next we start segwaying into trout fishing on the Lower Sacramento and Upper Sacramento Rivers. Rick Cox of Wild Waters Fly Fishing is reporting good results on the Upper Sac running nymphs from Dunsmuir downstream to Lakehead. Hatches are not happening yet in any significant numbers but fish are looking up to BWO’s, caddis and March browns. The Lower Sac also is fishing well with nymph’s being the most productive, but some PMD and caddis dry fly action can be had. The upcoming spring weather makes this river an ideal place for you to spend a day or two or three. Reports from Anthony Carruesco, Jim Roberts, Chuck and John are all exciting and we look forward to a great spring.




The Fishermen’s Spot’s client Peter came up to catch some fish with us.


Carl Mogerley holding a nice Rogue River hatchery fish.


Another day at the office…


and another….chuck2

A short break from the fish and attempt on some lizards.  Good to see you out James and Rachel nice treat running into you guys.


Rogue River kicking down some nice cutthroatcharlie

and some steelhead too!unknown

Back to work on the Lower Sacboys swimming

First for everything… at least that I’ve seen, these boys swam across the Lower Sac.  Thats cold, and a long ass way to go.  Water Polo players, those of you watching, don’t try this at home.


Spey Rod fish, Rogue River!chuck

Bobber Rod Fish, Rogue River!chuck sleeping

A steelhead season winding down.  I’m strait up tired!  Drive, fish, have fun, sleep, wake up do it again.
andy toad

This is what happens when your sleeping on the river!  Your buddy takes your picture then wakes you up for one of these.  Its a good life and the spring is just starting.


Upper Sac Starting To Produce


Hooked Up On USac


Upper Sac Rainbow Love