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02.11.12 Skylers at it again

We fished the Lower Sac down by Anderson.  Skylers getting good.  We’ve been sticking em’.  Did I mention Skyler took the oars and put me on some fish.  Including a nice steelhead that I farmed.  Let my guide down….

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02.08.12 Trinity River W/ Mike Hibbard

Tory and I treated ourselves to a day with the famous Mike Hibbard.  I use to guide the Trinity and Mike showed me everything I know, it was so great to be in his boat on a working day.  We fished our asses off, with no other boats around!!!  What a treat!!!  We saw some great steelhead, most of which wooped are butts plus 4 sea run Browns…  Check em out!!!!

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1.31.12 Toadzilla

I knew that drift was going to stick a fish.  I knew it was going to grab at that exact moment. I knew it was going to happen there and then. I set the hook knowing I was right. It was not knowledge or skill it was a brief moment of enlightenment.

1.29.12 Klamath Steelhead Bound

Kim and Selena were determined and gave a good hard effort all day despite the 21 degree morning. We had to scrub every spot for that elusive winter steelhead. Finally, with only two more spots to try, “Set that!” Five fish in a row! Some days she makes you work for it. Continue Reading →